Fun Facts / Did You Know?
* 9/22: #RedSox at Indians 7:10 p.m.
* 9/22: Today is National Ice Cream Cone Day.
* 9/22: Today is National White Chocolate Day.
* 9/22: Today is National Museum Day.
* 9/22: Today is Elephant Appreciation Day.
* 9/22: The first Farm Aid concert was held on September 22, 1985 in
Champaign, IL.
* 9/22: Commercial TV began in England on September 22, 1955.
* 9/22: The American Business Women's Association was founded on
September 22, 1949.
* 9/22: Xavier University of Louisiana, the first Black Catholic
College in U.S., was founded on September 22, 1915, in New Orleans.
* 9/22: On September 22, 1903, Italo Marchiony applied for a patent
for an ice cream cone.
* 9/22: On September 22, 1893, the Duryea brothers' "Buggyaut" made
it's debut on the streets of Springfield, Massachusetts.
* 9/22: John Quincy Adams became Secretary of State on September 22, 1817.
* 9/22: Temporary Office of Postmaster General was established in
Federal Government by the Post Office Act (1 Stat. 70), September 22,